Resources Hub
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Network Rail Buildings and Architecture Strategy
CP7 Building and Architecture Policy
CP7 Buildings and Architecture Additional Information for Asset Managers
CP7 4S Prediction Summary
Value of Design
CP7 Problem Statement Template
Whole Life Costing Calculator
CP7 Genius of Place Interactive Scoring Wheel
Fatality Weighted Index Predictor
Stewardship Presentation
Maayan Ashkenazi
Design Thinking Presentation
Jonathan Ball
NRPS Simulator
Sustainability Presentation
Camilla Ween
Genius of Place Wheel Presentation
Lynda Addison
NRPS Predictor
Safety Presentation
Andrew Cameron
Added Value Presentation
Lynda Addison
Additional information for management of building services assets
Satisfaction Presentation
Hiro Aso
CP7 Implementation Programme Report
M&E Assets Criticality Scoring
Below are a few videos of the presentation given at the Implementation Session. Please refer to the respective presentation slides above for further information.
Keynote Speakers
Lynda Addison
Lynda is the Chair of the Sustainable Transport Panel of CIHT and Working Group responsible for the Advice “Better Planning, Better Transport, Better Places” with CIHT, TPS and RTPI in 2019. Lynda is a Design Council Expert, Chairing the Brent Design Review Panel and Vice Chair of the Highways England Panel. Until recently, she was a Director of Garden City Developments CIC promoting 21st century “garden settlements”. She established an award winning consultancy, Addison & Associates, after leaving local government in Hounslow where she was Director of Planning and Transport.
In 2019, Lynda was the CIHT Transportation Professional of the Year, she received the RTPI/TPS Transport Planning Network award in 2010, and an OBE for services to planning in 2006.
Jonathan Ball
Jonathan operates as an independent design strategist working with a wide range of both public and private sector clients. As a Design Associate with Design Council he has trained and coached a wide range of clients in the practical application of design including Rolls-Royce Aerospace, London Business School, Naylor Industries, First Point Group, European Commission, Chilean Government, Home Office, Children’s Society. But has also worked internationally with LUMA Institute serving clients such as Honeywell, DBS (Singapore), Prudential, McDonald’s and the US Government Center for Disease Control.
Hiro Aso
Hiro is an UK-based chartered architect and brings over 25 years of integrated experience of urban development schemes. He is an award-winning specialist in the design of regenerative transport hubs and was a leading figure in the delivery of some of UK’s most high-profile development catalyst schemes such as the modernisation of London King’s Cross Station and several stations on the Elizabeth Line including Bond Street and Paddington. He was the Global Head of Transport & Infrastructure at Gensler and is now the Leader of Transport Design at Hassell.
Camilla Ween
Camilla is an architect, working at the intersection of transportation and urban design, specialising in climate resilient and socially equitable urbanism. She is a Harvard Fellow and is on the Steering Committee of the United Nations Urban Economy Forum, helping cities deliver the UN Sustainability Development Goals. She is Head of Communications for ConnectedCities.
Camilla also worked for Transport for London for 11 years, advising the London mayors on the integration of land use policy and strategy and transport.
Maayan Ashkenazi
Maayan has worked at the intersection of anthropology, architecture and urban design for over a decade, and consults on the psycho-social aspects of spatial design. Having established the role of anthropologist urban designer at Foster and Partners, one of the UK’s leading studios, she went on to set up an independent consultancy and is engaged in academic research into urbanisation and health. She trained at the University of Cambridge, UCL and completed a PhD at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Her research examines urban wellbeing as it relates to the integration of diverse user groups in European cities.
Andrew Cameron
Andrew is an engineer with a background in transport, architectural engineering and urban design. With over 25 years’ experience he has contributed to many masterplanning and regeneration projects for villages, towns and cities in the United Kingdom and around the world. He was an advisor to the UK Government for The House of Commons Select Committees on Housing and Sustainable Communities for the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission. He is also a visiting lecturer at Kellogg College and Oxford University.